Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Texting addiction

by Will

              People can get hurt from to much texting they could get there hands and arms paralyzed. The carpel tunnel syndrome it can cause you to talk in text and that can make you shy when you talk.

               Some cases of texting are bad but when you’re contacting your parents its good.  The only good time for texting is for short messages not for fun like if you need the pages to your homework for math or words for language arts. Typing on the computer is like texting but it’s not as bad cause your not able to be on it 24/7. By texting on your phone you can almost be on it 24/7 because you can bring it almost any where. The only place you can’t bring is in camp.

                 Texting is one of the biggest addictions besides drugs. Texting is technically a dug once you start you can’t stop. Texting is the worst drug it’s addicting. Sometimes when I need to talk to parents I want to call them and not text. If you want to ruin your life text more than 1000 a day and you will most likely get Carpel Tunnel syndrome.

                  Here’s one important thing for viewers out the don’t text every day. If you text every day it’s not healthy. If you want to paralyze your arms and hands keep texting every day. The best choice to do is to call not text. The good thing about typing on the computer is you don’t have the little keys on the key pad.

                   Like I said before texting is bad. If you want the Carpel Tunnel syndrome keep texting if you don’t I suggest calling.

Cell Phone Usage

by Estefany

Cell phones are being used like every single day. Don’t get me wrong, we need cell phones, and there are a lot of reasons why we need it, and there are reasons why we do not. A lot of people take advantage of the usage of a cell phone because a little texting and a little calling might be useful, but too much can change the way you behave.

When you text, its normal; everyone texts. But when you text like 24/7, it’s a disaster. Usually it becomes a disaster because the parents don’t think twice when they buy their teenage children a phone. Why? Because they don’t know what’s going to come to them if they keep utilizing their phone. There could be signs that change their way of behaving. One of them is getting really angry when your mom takes your phone away. Believe me; it’s already happened in my house. Another sign is that every time they are using their phone for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, ETC., and someone is trying to tell them something, they either ignore or they don’t pay attention to what they are saying.

Calling is a different subject; some people don’t even use their calling, and only their texting. I have a phone, and I absolutely LOVE to text or be on my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, ETC., but I know what’s my limit when it comes to using my phone. If my limit gets too far up, either people get mad at me for not paying attention, or they just take it away. But, I can control my usage of my phone. When someone is calling, it’s not as addicting as texting or doing something else on your phone. Usually, when you call someone, you guys can actually tell each other your feelings and all that. In texting, people are saying mean things to the person they are texting, but can’t do it face to face? I don’t understand why, maybe they are so used to messaging each other or texting or whatever, they probably FORGOT to talk to each other in person.

But, the phone is REALLY important, because you can call different places, like you can call Mexico, for example. Every time there is an emergency, you can just buy a calling card and/or either text or call, I think. Also, if you can’t, that’s why there are social networks where you can chat or video webcam with them. I think that in a way cell phones can be a distraction and/or an addiction, but it can also be useful when it comes to contacting your friends or your family members.

So, my answer is yes. I DO think that cell phones are being used daily, but you got to admit, they are useful. Those are the reasons why I think that cell phones are being used 24/7 all day, everyday.

Cell talk

by Daniell

I think yeah, people are talking less face to face, but I talk all the time without phones. It sometimes doesn’t interfere with people talking, especially at home. Actually I think phones can cause you to talk with someone more because you can call them to hang out.

Also phones can be useful like when you’re far away without phones you wouldn’t be able to talk face to face any ways. I don’t think there good in a small town because some people just use there phone all day. And some people will just be texting all day.

The more phones that wear made, a lot more of people wear making videos, going on face time, and the more people were texting. So you should be carful. Now teenage kids text more than six times an hour, while there awake.

This can cause your fingers to get cramps. So you teenagers should that use the phone all the time should just go out side and have fun. And not just go on Facebook and stuff. Trust me it’s way more fun to play out side.

That what I think about people is using less face to face time.  I hope phones don’t attract kid like they do now later in time. But phones are really useful.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

No Title Given

By Sofia

Cell phones are being used so much that some research says that people are forgetting how to talk face to face? True or False? There’s a 50/50 chance that it’s true but there also a 50/50 chance that it’s false. So the question is what do I think.

I think that people these days use there phones a lot, they use it for calling, texting, Facebook, ETC. Even my grandma uses her phone a lot for an older person. I’m not saying that I don’t use my phone but I don’t use my phone as much as my mom does, every time I see her she has her phone I her hands and she’s texting away the way teenagers would. She even has her phone in her hands when she is sleeping. Its like she would die if she didn’t have a phone, I think the only time she doesn’t have her phone is when she is in the shower and when she’s at work.  

But anyways, I do think that the cell phones these days are affecting they way people talk to each other. The only reason why I believe that is because I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it in my own friends. In there messages to other people they can’t stop talking or should I say typing. But in person it’s like they have never met before. Like what is that, you where just texting that person and you couldn’t put down your phone down and now you can’t even talk to him in person? 

The other reason I believe the cell phones are effecting how people talk to other people is because it’s happened to me as well. For example ill be texting my dad just fine like we used to talk when I was younger and didn’t have a phone. Then when I see him the next day we barley speak one word to each other, for the first day. But the next days we talk more and more until it’s like the old times. I guess I’ve done it to some friends to. I think if cell phones where gone for at least a month or two people would start talking better to other people in person.

Those are some of the reasons why I think that cell phone these days are effecting how people talk to others. I could probably think of some more reasons why I think that but for right now those are the ones I have come up with.

No Title Given

by Aaron

What do I think if people text to much that they won’t remember how talk face to face. I think that it can’t happen because if people are texting to much then how would they forget the words, and most of the time people say the words in their heads. But I don’t think that they would text that much because they don’t want carpel tunnel. Just like if teachers go on a computer all day every day they won’t forget how to talk. And most people say hello or good bye to one another.  And people learn a new word almost every day, and they talk all day.

But seriously that can’t happen. Even if they do text a lot their bound to say something. And I don’t think people want to text all day without saying words. But it crossed my mined that it is possible, that if you text every single day then you would probably block yourself from society. But I think that’s a 20% chance that will happen. Like seriously who would want to block themselves from society except if the person that your thinking about will want to block themselves from society.

But if you or someone else forgets how to talk then them or you have a serious problem. But like I said if you text a lot then how would you forget if you put the words together and put them on the screen. But that 20% chance could probably be a really big deal to people. Like I’m not saying that its bad to text, I’m saying that if you text to much it probably won’t happen that you would forget how to text.

Cell phones

by Sean

       I think cell phones are consuming people’s lives but they are not taking away face time. The reason I think it not taking away face time because you can now talk to people video chat or use your phone to ask people to hang out.

         Quickly people got tired of calling. And mostly started texted. One of the reasons to stop calling and start texting was that texting was faster and easier. Also text weren’t as important. So if it was important people would no because your calling instead of texting.

        Then when people started to want to speak to others with out calling apple made face time. Face time was one of the first big apps for apple which started the video chat frenzy. Then other companies started making these apps. They also started putting front cameras.

          Once more and more smart phones were made. More and more video chat apps were made. The frenzy lasted a little while. Then most people went back to texting.

       Those are my thoughts on cell phones and face time. While cell phones do take away some face time they also give some.        

Sin título dado

by Brisseth

Era hace una vez en un pueblo llama do lone pine California donde los telefonos los usaban para todo pero para lo que lo ultilizaban mas era para ablar con otras personas y estar ablando casi todo el dia.

Todos los Dias una niña siempre le ablaba al telefonos de su novio para platicar un rato con el para estar platicando de ellos pero nuca se miravan de cara porque no sabian como platicar de frente a frente porque todo el tiempo platicaban por el telefonos.

UN dia en la escuela se encontraron en el receso y no podian ablar porque casi nuca se miran de cara y ninguno de ellos podia decir nada porque se les avia olvidado como ablar de frente.

Al dia sigiente se volvieron a encontrar pero tampoco dijieron nada y los dos sacaron el telefonos y se empezaron a mandar mensages para no ablarse y  los dos decidieron decirles eso asus padres para que los ayudaran con eso .

Cuando le comentaron asus papas por medio del telefonos sus padres les dijieron que ivan a tomar una terapia para que despues de un rato puedan ablar de cara a cara despues de que tomaron las terapias por un tiempo ya pudieron ablar de cara a cara sintener que usar el telefonos.

No Title Given

by Juliann

     People text A LOT!!! As in texting is there life. People never want to do anything because they're texting. Some people even get carpal tunnel because they text to much!!!

        Cell phones are now a big part of technology; but could it be too big? Texting can also hurt, because you can say something mean to them on your phone, and then not talk to them ever again. Kids now a day’s are ONLY texting. Texting isn’t only a way of not talking to people, but when you are texting you’re not really doing anything else. You are not outside being active. Well ya texting is ok, but not to much of it. People can get really unhealthy texting.

       Kids and people are forgetting how to talk face to face. This is very sad, only because people are not really forgetting, they are just afraid to talk face to face. What you text to people is what people see. Once it sends you can’t take it back. You probably won’t regret it either, until you see what happens the next day. When you go to school you only talk to people to get the answers for the work that the teacher gave you that you can’t do because you are to busy texting in class. Then when you get home you start texting; AGAIN!!! People should definitely talk more face to face.

        Everyone forgets how to talk face to face!!! Someone will be sitting right next to you, and that person starts texting you, and you text back. That person is sitting right next to you!!!!!!!!! Talk to them face to face. It’s really not that hard, you look at them you say hi; you don’t even have to look at them, it is that easy. Parents give you a phone for a tool. You are supposed to call them, or people when you need them. And texting is a lot easier to say something mean to a person because you are not face to face. But when you talk to someone face to face it is a lot harder. That is how the people of this generation take advantage of phones. Kids might only use texting just to hurt somebody’s feelings. This is obviously jerky.

     Parents don’t want kids to slip away from them; they want them to slip closer so that they can love them more. But farther up in the future we will have new technology that will be a lot harder to drag a kid away from, because they will be right in the middle of hurting someone’s feelings, so that they feel like a piece of trash.

    Since people text way too much parents will have to start taking way their phone, which will definitely make them a lot brattier than they already are. You have to be carful what you say on your phone. So instead you can just tell them face to face.

No Title Given

by Daisie

     People are on their phones way to much! I don’t agree that people don’t talk as much person to person because what ever I talk about with my friends we talk about the next time we see each other.

           When im in a really awkward situation I text the person right next to me or something. Its actually a awkward moment killer. Usually the next time I see my friends they say something I messed up on or some weird thing I said its actually funny making fun of each other in a joking way. Somethings I would just rather text because I know I would break down or something if I say them face to face and I don’t like crying infront of people.

            A lot of parents are starting to just give there kids a phone and hope that they shut up. Then they create some crazy kid which screams when you take it away. It kills family bonding time and keeps them from making family, life memories. I personally think not every one in the world uses it to much accept if you have Carpol Tunnel. Even if you don’t have it though you should try not to get it.

          Obviously we need phones to communicate with family, friends, and other weird people you talk to, well when there not around. For example if you were kidnapped or were being killed theres big reasons we need phones and also little reasons, But who cares, theres phones your responsible for your own actions and you cant prevent people from not talking to eachother all we can do is find more ways to actually speak to people. When I speak to friends I would rather speak to them face to face so we go on adventures and talk and eat on a cliff or some thing talking face to face is just way better, the best part is real happy faces.
             So yeah there are people out there who DO use it to much but im not one of them and most of the people I know arent either. Some people may not be so happy if someone walked in and said, “Im taking your phone get stoked.” Because we all have/need them but seriously I admit people do text a lot when they should really be social and see real smiles.

Dangers of Texting

by Jonathan

     Nothing is wrong with texting, but some people do go a little overboard. Here is some of the things that can happen when you text too much.

     First of all, Carpal Tunnel Symdrone, a musle problem, can be caused by texting. This musle failure will paralyze your hands and arms. It can also be caused by any other form of reppetative movement. It’s a bad idea to text more than 1,000 words a day. Limit the amount of time you text a day.

     Second of all, texting too much can cost you your ability to speak your mind. Yes, it is possible to text so much that you become embarassed to talk. Like I said earlier, it is best to limit the amount of texting you do a day. That is the the best way to protect from this.

     Finnally, some people text when they’re right across from each other. Why do people do it? One word, addiction. Texting is like a drug for some people. In fact, most car accicdents happen because of texting while driving. So please don’t be a text-a-holic.

     These are all problems of texting too much. A little texting is fine, but too much can be deadly.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

School Rules

by Jonathan

I'm cool with most of the rules, but here is some I would change.

First of all, the internet is almost completely blocked. You should recheck the websites and make it more open.

Second, BETTER FOOD! I mean the food isn't very fresh. So if you could figure a way out to get money for better suppliers I would be very happy.

Third and finally, the school should be a little more interesting. I mean there is not much to do. So if you could do some fundraisers so we can get the good stuff that would be epic.

Changing the rules

By Kalen


If I could change one school rule it would be the rule it would be the rule that you can't use your electronics. In class I think that they should stay off but at recess I think that kids should be allowed to use their cell phones and iPods.

One reason I think people should be able to use their electronics at school is because I love music. Music is a form of anti-depressant for me. When I listen to music it is like an escape from the world around me. Another reason is my mom likes it when I check in and say hi or something. It makes my mom feel better about where I am when she knows how I'm doing. I'm kinda anti-social around people I don't know but when I have music I feel very confident in myself because my music inspires me to try good new things.

I really think that allowing kids to use there electronics will make this school a funnier place to be. It might also encourage kids to come more. Listening to music might make a lot of attitudes change.

reglas que an cambiado en la escuela

by Brisseth

La regla que tiene que cambiar:

Yo digo que ninguna porque todas me paresen exelentes y faciles de cumplir con ellas .

Porque se que atodos les paresen bien y Yo digo que son exelentes Para escuela y espero que todas las personas de esta escuela las respeten igual que Yo las respeto.

Por que no podemos decir que no podemos respetar las por que son dificiles no es que se an dificiles de cumplir si no es que no quieren .

Y esto es de lo que opino de las reglas de esta escuela .


School Rule

By Juliann

The school rule that I think should be changed is the no weapons rule. The no weapons rule stands for a lot of crazy kids, but I think the kids that can control them should be able to. But they can't bring them out in case of emergency. Now if you'll keep reading you'll find out why.

The only reason I would change this rule is for dangerous times. I mean what if a guy came in with a gun and you were in the bathroom, and when you came out he was right there? You would need to defend yourself. Or what if you didn't have anything? Then maybe you would be taken. I think it's better to put up a fight than just have nothing.

Some examples are important, like the bathroom one. Or if you lived in the country a bear could come up, and you have something to distract it a little, enough to get away. This one is a little crazy but can happen. What if a teacher was out of the room and a man comes in and tries to take a child? So you take out your weapon and put up a fight. You know another weapon that can be brought to school is yourself. If you know karate or kung foo, then you'd be covered. But a lot of kids don't know kung foo or karate. So that's why we should have weapons at school.

It's important to be able to defend yourself. At least I do, so just think about it.

No Title Given

By Dylan

If I could change a school rule it would probrobly be not having steps. The main reason why would be because every little thing you do you go on another step. That's the main rule I would really want to change.

Every time you get sent up to the office you get on another step. Even if you like talk out of term. And say it's a sub they like to send people to the office, well at least that's how it seems. So every time they send you, you go on another step. Also how the steps are made. Like the first one is a warning and maybe a call home. Don't you think that's a little stricked?

So that's why I would change that rule. Because the rules are really stricked. And that means when you get sent up for something really stupid ( which happens a lot ), then you get in trouble and more trouble every time you go up. That's why I would change the rule about steps.


by Daniell

I would change the rules by letting you choose your class and also have art class and skate school also I would allow YouTube last computer classes but you get 30 minutes of free time.

Also you would have to go to math, ELA, social studies. BUT NOT MUSIC. Out of the new classes you could choose two. Plus you as a student could choose what type of food you want from taco bell subway and on Friday's pizza factory. But to do all this nice stuff you as a school would have to make a fundraiser to get all this cash.$$$ there would be an easier way to get renaissance the average would be a c average. Not a b average. And that's what my new rules.

If all this happened I'd guarantee there would less absents and kids would probably try harder. So please let this happen dear principal.


by Sofia

My essay is about what one school rule I would change in our school. There are a lot of rules that I would change. But the one rule I would change is the no electronics rule.

The reason I would change this rule is because a lot of kids enjoy listening to music while they are working or doing nothing. Some kids can't work without listening to music. Some kids also like to listen to music when there not doing anything like at break, some might even like to listen to them while there running in P.E. I don't think that listening to music is bad when students are not doing anything at the time like at break or running in P.E.

Those are only some of the reasons I think the no electronics rule should be changed. I think a lot of the kids would appreciate if the no electronics rule was changed to allow them the listen to there music. That's the one rule I would change in our school.

Changing up the rules

By Daisie


If I were to change a rule it would be allowing people to cuss without getting in trouble. Usually when we cuss we get yelled at for inappropriate language. If the grownups around us can say stuff like that we should to because we only say what we hear.

Yes cussing would get out of hand maybe but most of us only say it sometimes and get in trouble. When us kids cuss we usually just say crap, shit, and some other. Cussing isn't that bad it just adds more enthusiasm to what you say.

This is my opinion about changing this dumb rule. This rule can also help when we describe something. This rule should be permitted.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


by Rene

I like pizza with pepperoni and Hawaiian and sausage. I also like it with breadsticks and a soda. Pizza smells like tomato's cheese and bread. It tastes like tomato sauce with cheese. I also like it with ranch permeation cheese and sometimes hot sauce. Also I like it with a small soda.

My Favorite Meal

by Aaron

My favorite meal is Kentucky fried chicken with mashed potatoes and sweat peas with NO PEPPER and with a drink. It's my favorite meal because the chicken smells tasty and it's filled with chicken meat. and the peas with a little bit of salt, YUM! And the mashed potatoes with a little bit of salt also is what I would get from a restaurant. I'm a person who loves meat and chicken is one of my favorites.